Northern California Academy of Osteopathy

A local nonprofit group that connects doctors of osteopathy (DOs) and organize local educational and training opportunities. Dr. Natasha serves as Treasurer for this regional chapter of the American Academy of Osteopathy.

Akhila Health


Dr. Natasha faciliate workshops on a variety of health topics geared toward stress management and the impact of stress on one’s health. She supports community members in a group setting where they can help each other through common challenges, specifically cancer survivorship at the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic.

The Fountain Project


Dr. Natasha delivers primary care, osteopathy, and wellness services to the underserved, in particular the Bay Are Rescue Mission for residents who are in recovery. It has now expanded to a regular clinic where people can get ongoing care. She performs health consultations, body work, recommendations around chronic pain and injuries as well as chronic illness and stress management.

Volunteer Project

Dr. Bernard volunteering medical services in the Dominican Republic at the Orphanage in La Urena, February of 2018